Error when trying to Get Orders from Yahoo Store

Started by bobbininc, September 11, 2020, 01:53:42 PM

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I have SuperManager connected to my three Yahoo stores. All worked this morning. When I went to update shipping information via SuperManager on one of my stores this afternoon it timed out and did not complete. I tried charging on this one store and it timed out as well. I then tried to retrieve new orders multiple times and receive the error "Error reading error response: Unable to load list orders XML response. End tag 'BODY' does not match the start tag 'HR'." or the error "Error reading error response: Unable to load list orders XML response. XML document must have a top level element.". My other two stores continue to work fine. I contacted Yahoo and they did not see any API type errors on their end. They are requesting the XML request from SuperManager and the XML response received. Can you please  with this issue. Thanks!

David Johns


We've been in touch about this over phone and email. I know you passed along the API communication logs I created for you to Yahoo to analyze. Any word back from them yet?

SuperManager Support

David Johns

We had one other user who encountered this error. That customer said it started working again today. Is it working for you now as well? Did you hear back from Yahoo on what the problem was?

Thanks so much,
SuperManager Support