trouble with error message: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Account

Started by ttandot, May 15, 2009, 08:51:13 PM

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Feeling very stupid but can't figure this out. Am trying QuickBooks for the 1st time and am receiving this error message when trying to export SuperManager items into QB:
There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Account "Taxable Sales" in the Items.  QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument.  The specified record does not exist in the list.

Can you please help me out? THanks!

David Johns

No problem!

This is just saying that you have given "Taxable Sales" as the account that should be linked to taxable items, but that account doesn't exist in your QuickBooks file.  You need to do one of two things:

1. Create a new income account in QuickBooks called "Taxable Sales"
2. Change the name of the account in SuperManager to one that you already have for this in QuickBooks under "View" | "Store Settings..." on the "Accounting Export" tab.  It is called "Taxable Sales Account/History"

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