Credit Card Charges Not Transfering to QB

Started by marcflood, October 15, 2009, 05:24:03 PM

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In QuickBooks some of my sales receipts show the credit card charge as an item thus zeroing out the receipt total (as I suspect it is supposed to). Other sales receipts do not show a credit card line and the total is the total of the order not a zero balance. Same thing in SML -- some orders show the credit card charge others only show the Auth.

Is this because some orders are exported from Yahoo Store to SML and then to Qucikboos before the credit card is processed in Yahoo? If so, do I simply use "Get order status from Yahoo" or "Update from Yahoo" in SML? If yes, how would I then update the receipt in QB?

David Johns


You are correct.  The payment items only export if they are in the order in SuperManager when you export them.  If you are exporting Sales Receipts it actually doesn't matter - QuickBooks will still put the amount due into undeposited funds.  Obviously it is inconsistent, however, having some orders show as zeroed out and others as a non-zero total.  To make them all appear the same you would need to us "Update from Yahoo" to update the credit card transactions before you export it.  If you have already exported it, you'll need to delete the original Receipt in QuickBooks and export it again.

SuperManager Support


If you use the custom report to filter out sales receipts that are not zero, you will want to get your updates and update QB's accordingly.  I always set up the custom report so any non-zero sale receipts show up to be reviewed/fixed as needed.
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