order_rev_share Field

Started by jabrein, March 09, 2011, 02:26:54 PM

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I believe I saw in an older post (2009) that the order_rev_share field is not available to TheSuperManager via the normal Order download XML.   Is this correct?   And if so, what is the method to pull this field into TheSuperManager.   

I'm looking to create a report that displays Tracking URLs tied to an order.   (I'm not sure if this is the best method to achieve this ~ and if not, please let me know if you have any other recommendations).


David Johns


You are right.  SuperManager is able to download this value when you select all your orders and choose "Get Store Manager Order Status".  This actually downloads tracking numbers, rev share and a few other bits of information Yahoo doesn't send in the order XMLs.  Once you have run that for each order, you should have all the data there to make such a report.

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