Ship method not updated when changed in Yahoo + updated to SM : Fixed -

Started by thammer, November 19, 2009, 02:22:52 PM

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We have an order that was previously read into The Supermanager.

If we change the shipping method in the Yahoo store manager. then update the order in The Supermanager  (via Update from Cart), the Shipping Method that displays in the Order Details screen is correct (updated), but the shipping method that displays in Shipment Details is not correct (did not update...has original shipping method displayed).

Further, if I go to the Shipment Details screen, then change the Shippping Method, then change the Packaging, the original Shipping Method will change back.

For example, I have an order that was Next Day Air, Packaging - UPS MED AIR BOX.

I change the shipping method in Yahoo to Ground.
I update the Order in Supermanager.
The Shipping Method on the Order Details screen says "Ground"
The Shipping Method on the Shipping Details screen still says UPS Next Day Air, and Packaging is still UPS MED AIR BOX.

ON the Shipment Details screen, if I change the Method to Ground, then Change the Packaging to Package (or any packaging type), the Method changes back to Next Day Air.  So I have to change the Shipping method  again to Ground.

David Johns


This behavior is by design.  We might be convinced that it should be altered, but let me explain how it works first.  Shipment objects are something that are unique to SuperManager.  Yahoo does not have any objects to track the shipments.  When you import orders into SuperManager it adds one shipment to the order and then you can add additional shipments.  It sets the shipment ship method based on the order ship method, but you are able to change it to something different so you could ship two packages with different methods.  When you update an order in general SuperManager tries to avoid overwriting changes you may have made to the default shipment settings.  Perhaps in this case is should change the method of unshipped shipments.

As for SuperManager changing the packaging back - there is a default packaging type  with each ship method.  When you change a shipment's method it sets the packaging type to the default for the new ship method.  That is probably what is making it appear that it is changing it back.  Could that be the case?

SuperManager Support



I understand the behaviour as you have described it. 

But I still think this is an issue.  (Minor issue, easy to work around, just confusing)

If I change the shipping method for an unshipped order in Yahoo, re-import the order, the shipping methods should change on the Order Details screen and the Shipment Details screen.     If I change the shipping method on the Order details screen, the Supermanager correctly changes the shipping method and package type on the Shipment details screen, so why does The Supermanger not behave this way if I change the order first in Yahoo, the re-import?.

Also, and this is a separate issue, if you change the Shipping method on the Shipment details screen, the packaging does not change, so changing the packaging type to anything else will cause the shipping method to revert back to its original setting, so I have to change it again.  (Or, I set the package type first, then set the shipping method). 

David Johns


Sorry - I didn't state my last comment definitely enough.  I did change the logic in the next version that will be released so it will update the unshipped shipments to the new ship method.  That will be available before the end of the week.  Be on the lookout for version for this update.

I'll take a look at the other issue and try to get a fix in that release as well.

SuperManager Support