What does hidden mean?

Started by Faith, January 12, 2010, 04:12:14 AM

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I thought I had found out a great way to figure out what the new products that I uploaded were so I could only export those products into excel, and sometimes, it still works: I go to the "hidden" products and export, update, and import them. However, I have noticed that even after they are updated they remain "hidden". What does "hidden" mean? Once updated, is there a way not to make a group of items not hidden? Is there another, or a better way, to find the newly uploaded products so that I don't have to search so much or export all of my items to update a group? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks so much.  :-)


Mike Griggs

Hey Faith,
You can select the products in the "Hidden" list, right click on them and uncheck "Hide" to make them not hidden anymore.

Products with price = $0.00 are marked hidden and sometimes other products that have been deleted or at some point had a price of $0.00



Thanks Mike, but is there a way to locate newly uploaded items? Thanks again. :)


David Johns


I'm not aware of anyway SuperManager can detect which products have been recently added in Yahoo.

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