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Topics - jabrein

This morning I started receiving the "Invalid Store ID" error message while trying to download new Yahoo Store Orders.

My PC runs on Windows Vista.
I have restarted both my PC & Supermanager and I still receive this error.

I did sign up for Yahoo's "second sign-in verification feature" yesterday...   and only mention it in case there may be any connection to this new issue I'm experiencing starting this morning.
Maybe this exists and I haven't figured it out yet....

What I would like is for an option to give greater flexibility as to whether Insurance & Signature Required is set for Shipments.   We sell products that range in price from $2 up to several thousand dollars.

Currently, within Store Settings >> Default Value for Shipments -   You can only have the following variables set for Insurance & Signature Required:
For Domestic
For International

What I would like to see is a 5th option, listed like "Shipment Greater Than $XXX.XX"    and then allow the User to define what GT Dollar Value to automatically add insurance and/or Signature Confirmation to.

Unfortunately, currently about half of our orders require Insurance and half do not.  This feature would give us greater flexibility in automating our Order Processing.
General / Custom Report / Variables question
May 06, 2012, 05:52:06 PM
I'm trying to create an Export File/Report that has the following variables:


This report will be run for a group of orders to export the item details of these orders.

When I run the report (as is, from above) -   the variables:
Are always desplayed within the text file as the variable name, but not with the variable data.

Any thoughts?
Printing Reports / order_rev_share Field
March 09, 2011, 02:26:54 PM

I believe I saw in an older post (2009) that the order_rev_share field is not available to TheSuperManager via the normal Order download XML.   Is this correct?   And if so, what is the method to pull this field into TheSuperManager.   

I'm looking to create a report that displays Tracking URLs tied to an order.   (I'm not sure if this is the best method to achieve this ~ and if not, please let me know if you have any other recommendations).

General / Email Template Variables?
April 23, 2010, 09:29:23 AM
Are all Supermanager Variables available to be used in Email Templates?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm trying to create an email template that communicates the product_description and product_availability within an email template.  When adding these variables in my email template, they display the variable-name and not the actual variable-value.

We've just upgraded to SM and are beginning to receive the new "Order Status not compatible" error message.

We sell items that are considered "pre-orders" (limited edition items that can be sold prior to the manufacturer's release date).  As part of our business, we require that customers deposit 10% down for us to "secure" their pre-order.

The issue that we are running into is that we charge our customer the 10% downpayment and then mark the Order Status as "on order".  This causes the new error message to be displayed in SM.   

Any suggestions as to how to get around receiving this error while still accurately reflecting the order status and charging the 10% downpayment?

General /
April 14, 2009, 05:41:37 AM
Hi, I just updated to the latest version this weekend and when I go to charge a card, it is telling me I need to input the login-I don't remember doing this in the past-can you help me figure this out, I cannot charge cards through SM without it, thanks
I've just downloaded SM version      thanks for the quick fix for the issue discussed in the following thread:

I've discovered that the same issue is prevalent in the different SM reports.    For instance, I run a Superfilter query for orders that contain product shipped on Feb. 3rd.  ('begin date' = 02/03/2009 and 'end date' = 02/03/2009).   

The list of orders accurately contains all orders that have items that were shipped on 02/03/2009.     This will include both orders that were completely shipped on 02/03/2009 as well as multi-ship orders (where at least one of the items were shipped on 02/03/2009).  This is all good...

The issue comes when I generate a pick-list by selecting the aboved queried orders.  I would expect that the Pick-List would only contain those items that were shipped on 02/03/2009.  Unfortunately, the pick-list contains ALL items (including multi-ship items that are either shipped earlier or not shipped at all).   

Would you be able to look into this for the pick-list and any other reporting tools that this may impact?

I've been experiencing issues when I use the Superfilter field: 'Ship Date' to pull up all shipments on a specific date.     The issue is that the results contain orders that were not shipped on the filter date.

For example:  I'll enter 03/02/2009.   The results contain orders not shipped on that date.  Order-A has items shipped on 03/05 and additional items that have not shipped.   Order-B has items shipped on 12/05/2008 and 03/12/2009.   I have noticed that a lot of the incorrect orders contain multiple shipments (but have not verified that all of the incorrect orders are multi-ships).

This issue is making it difficult to pull various reports.

Any suggestions?
I've been trying (unsuccessfuly) to generate are report that shows the Products Price versus Cost.

How I envision the report to work is that I choose all orders that have shipped withing a certain time frame, then run this report to get Shipped Items Price and Cost details (item code, quantity, description, price and cost) with totals at the bottom.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We are trying to create a report that lists sales and product cost so we can see gross profit at a glance. Any ideas?

Fixed Bugs / TEMPORARY SOLUTION - text box fill error
October 08, 2008, 05:09:35 AM
I am trying get new orders and I see it logging into Yahoo, but then the warning comes back: textboxfill (error 1000). I have rebooted and done everything I can, please help