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Messages - David Johns

Other Software / XML Exchange Settings
October 02, 2004, 11:09:43 PM
In The SuperManager under "View" -> "Program Settings..." -> "XML Exchange Formats" there is a box labeled "Dazzle Import File".  This should point to a file in the folder where you have set for Dazzle to monitor.  In the forum topic:

it suggests to set this directory to "C:\Program Files\Envelope Manager\DAZzle\xml\".  (Note that this setting is done in Dazzle).  Now The SuperManager has to be set up to export an xml file into that directory.  To do that just click "Browse" and go to the folder you set up in Dazzle ans click "Save".  The filename is filled in for you (and is actually not important as long as there is one).  So in the end the box on the "XML Exchange Formats" page of The SuperManager should read "C:\Program Files\Envelope Manager\DAZzle\xml\sm-dazzle.xml".  Once this is done The SuperManager will write the exchange file to the folder Dazzle is monitoring and they should talk to one another smoothly.