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Messages - David Johns

Finished Requests / Re: Changing order status
September 11, 2006, 04:54:12 PM

This would be a fairly small effort.  We will do it sometime in the near future.

Other Software / Re: UPS Worldship setup not working
September 11, 2006, 04:12:16 PM
Eric is there any other field that sounds like a reference number or some type of ID field?  Unfortunately I have seen this a lot when the shipping vendors change this type of terminology and make our documentation outdated.

Finished Requests / Re: Changing order status
September 11, 2006, 04:10:29 PM

Currently there is not an automated way to do this.  Honestly I had forgotten that there even was a separate status called 'closed'.  My suspicion is that most users never change the status to closed.  If this is something you would really like to have we could consider adding this as a setting.  Just to make sure you are aware of it, you can select multiple orders on the order list, right click and choose "Status" | "Closed".  This would at least be a good way to change a lot of them at once.

Let us know if you would really prefer to have a setting to do this automatically.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Searching Customer DB
September 08, 2006, 06:48:45 PM

I found the problem.  We added support for the company field a few months back when Yahoo added it to the export format.  We failed to get it added to the superfind, however.  I have fixed that and it will be available in the beta, which also includes the QuickBooks inventory import.  We are just finalizing testing on one of the functions we have improved and it will be sent out to you.

In the mean time if you search instead for "Tom Smith" it will find these orders.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Searching Customer DB
September 08, 2006, 06:19:59 PM

We made a decision early on in the development of SuperManager not to keep a list of customers and just have the orders link to them rather than have the address information stored.  The primary factors behind this were - if customers move we still wanted to have the information that was given for each previous order.  Once you make that determination storing customers in a separate location of the database just becomes additional storage overhead and most of it is duplication of information that already exists in the database somewhere.  Additionally you have to deal with the issues of determining if a customer from two different orders is the same or a new person.  Certainly there are rules you could follow to determine that with a reasonable degree of accuracy and then offer the ability to merge customers for those instances where it is hard to tell.

One thing that might shed some light on the situation: how are you searching?  Is this customer listed under the "Company" field and you are searching using the company name?  Is the company (or contact) listed under the name field?  How is this customer listed in the order and what keywords are you using to search?  Best thing would be to spell out how the customer is listed (you can change the names to preserve confidentiality - but if you do make the company name the same number of words and so forth):

Name: John Doe
Company: Doe's Motorcycles
Search Phrase: Doe

I have tested to ensure that if a name only appears in the bill to fields it will still return them when you SuperFind.  The one issue that makes it tough to decern it is working is that the name it lists is always the ship to address, making it hard to tell at first glance that the orders returned are in fact orders from Doe's Motocycles.  If you open the order details you will quick see whether they are and you can use the filter mechanism to go to the next order returned if not.

We don't currently have plans to develop a list of favorite customers but we are brainstorming how we can meet your needs.  We'll work with you to get something that works for you whether or not it is exactly as you are currently proposing.

General / Re: Manul Order -Credit card charge / CVV
September 08, 2006, 05:48:47 PM

Before you get batches once in The SuperManager your store settings will not have your merchant accounts.  Without this information you cannot select a default merchant account (gateway) to use when performing manual transactions.  That is why the first warning popped up.  The second issue seems to be a bug.  We will address this.  This, however, should serve as a workaround:

1. Go to "View" | "Admin" and press "Get Batches".  This function takes quite a while since it takes Yahoo!'s server a long time to generate the batch report.  Once this has completed you should get a message "Imported ### batches"
2. Go to "View" | "Store Settings..." and select the "Order Processing Automation" tab.
3. Under "Make manual transactions through" select the merchant account you want to use.

Once you do this the manual charging should work.  Post back how it goes.


Great!  So glad you got it working and that you are happy with it.  Please let us know if there are any features that could allow you to work even faster.  We are here to make your life easier.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Searching Customer DB
September 08, 2006, 04:08:19 PM

One the order details screen on the right side next to the totals, listed as "Likely Repeats".

Fixed Bugs / Re: Searching Customer DB
September 07, 2006, 06:14:27 PM

On the first point - Let me make sure I understand you...  You take orders over the phone or email, etc... for people that dropship through you and you would like to not have to enter their information in the bill to fields each time?  Is that correct?   so there are a few things you can do.  First of all the "SuperFind" feature will find orders based on billing address only.  The trick is that the "Name" that is shown on the order list when the results are displayed is always the ship to name.  If you enter the name of the company you are dropshipping for almost all if not all the orders returned will be previous dropships from this customer.  You can then bring up one of their orders in the details screen.  If the first one isn't from them for some reason click on the filter button in between the previous and next arrows and click the previous button it will show the next one down on the list.

Another thing...the repeat orders list is populated based on billing information.  You can therefore easily see all the orders from that dropship customer right on the details screen.  You can even double click on it to go to that order.

Problem #2 - The statii are most often derived by conditions of the order.  For example if you try to change an order to "Shipped" but the shipments have not been set to shipped it will change it back.  It works the same with the backorders.  It is marked backordered because one or more of the items are marked backordered.  If you mark the item as no longer backordered the order will automatically change to closed.


This is a common misunderstanding.  The thing you are really trying to map the shipping method to is the setting at the bottom of the map ship screen.  There will be one of these settings for each of the exports listed in the list labeled "1. Select shipping carrier...".  So for each one you need to set:

1. Select the Dazzle XML from the list box
2. Select the shipping class.

What is then stored is that when you export to Dazzle XML it should use the shipping class you have selected.  Next time you bring up the form it will always select the entry on the top, but when you switch to the bottom you will see that the shipping class you selected previously for Dazzle XML is still selected.

It is set up this way so you can have ship classes set up for each of the exports on the list.  All of them will be stored.  You then choose which program/format to export it to by simply selecting the order from the order list and choosing export.

Does this make sense?

This is explained the best I know how in section 7.7.a "Shipping Methods and Map Ship Dialog" in the manual.  Please help me to make it more clear how this is to work if it is not clear there.  Sometimes I just get too close to things and can't see them from an outsider's prospective.

The customs country is set under the product as the "Country of Origin".  Is the country of origin of this product set to Afganistan?

Finished Requests / Re: The Wish List...
September 06, 2006, 05:52:55 PM

Thanks for the feedback.  We love to get lists like these!  I will give an individual response to each request/suggestion:

1. I think the meaning of the "Add" button may not be clear.  Once you click the "Add" button on the order details screen an item is added.  It is then up to you to just enter the product, quantity and other details for this item.  If you only have one item to add you just click the "OK" button at the bottom.  The "Cancel" button will cancel the insertion of the item.  You only click the "Add" button if you want to add another item after the one you are viewing.  Note that this button changes to a "Next" button when you are not looking at the last item.  It is in general just a way to scroll back and forth among the items already in the order.  It changes to an add button when you are viewing the last item just as a quick means to add an item to the end of the list for the order.

2. We have contemplated adding this capability.  Note that there is a way to import products from a text file, however.  The default program settings for SuperManager include a "Yahoo Products CSV" format by which you can import products from excel or a text file.  Will this suit your needs or would you still like to be able to import products in the graphical user interface?

3. This is a result of how the add order function works.  When you click the "New Order" button a new order is added to the database.  It works similar to the item details screen as I described above, except that in the case of the order details screen there is no 'Cancel' button and therefore no way to tell SuperManager to delete the order if nothing was ever placed into the order.  We could consider one of a couple of things...  I thought the other day of adding a delete button to the order details screen, with which you could delete the order you are viewing from the order details screen.  Another alternative would be to track if no information was entered and if not automatically delete the order when you close the order details screen.  I would just hate to delete an order and make someone add it back if they didn't intend for that to happen.

4. We can add a setting for you to dictate the suffix appended to designate manual orders.  I  you would use the same suffix for all your stores and therefore it would be best suited for the program settings?

General / Re: Updating item codes
September 06, 2006, 05:21:52 PM

There are a few issues that you need to be aware of when exporting to QuickBooks under these circumstances.

The "Alternative Product Code" is also used preferentially as the QuickBooks item name.  If this value is not blank for a particular variant of a product SuperManager will use this name as the item name when it exports to QuickBooks.  If the item does not exist it will be created.  If the variant alternative code is blank, the sequence product_code:variant_name will be used unless the variant name is the product code, in which case the product_code alone is  as the QuickBooks item name.  So for example:

product_code = "BASEBALL_BAT"
variant_name = "BASEBALL_BAT" (there are no options for this product)
alternative_code = <blank>
SuperManager uses "BASEBALL_BAT"

product_code = "BASEBALL_BAT"
variant_name = "BASEBALL_BAT" (there are no options for this product)
alternative_code = "Baseball Bat"
SuperManager uses "Baseball Bat"

product_code = "BASEBALL_BAT"
variant_name = "Wooden"
alternative_code = <blank>
SuperManager uses "BASEBALL_BAT:Wooden" (This is QuickBooks notation for "Wooden" being a sub-item of "BASEBALL_BAT"

product_code = "BASEBALL_BAT"
variant_name = "Wooden"
alternative_code = "Bats:Wooden"
SuperManager uses "Bats:Wooden" (This is QuickBooks notation for "Wooden" being a sub-item of "Bats"

So - the implications on your situation are that you cannot place your old product code in the alternative product code field without it being used when exporting to QuickBooks.  Therefore the best way for you to handle the situation is to keep both copies of the product in SuperManager and just hide the old ones.  If you need to export items to QuickBooks that use the old product codes you will want to create the new product name as the alternative code for the old products.  I know this may be a bit confusing.  Please let me know if whether it makes sense to you.

Also - a correction about the product_id.  I was wrong about how SuperManager looks for that.  SuperManager onlys looks to match the product_id to an existing product if the product_code is blank.  Otherwise the product_id is not considered in the process of trying to match downloaded products to ones already existing in your SuperManager database.

General / Re: Updating item codes
September 06, 2006, 05:03:28 PM

This would also be a way to handle it.  The one problem I see, however, is that SuperManager never creates an explicit link between products and items.  When information from the product is required, for example to debit inventory, The SuperManager just looks up the product on your current product list by the product code.  This being the case it may be best just to hide the old instances of the products rather than deleting them.

There is also a new as of yet undocumented feature in beta  You can enter an alternative product code in the variant's alternative product code field and it will search these if no product code is a direct match with the product code SuperManager is looking for.  This could be another alternative.  You could delete the old products, then put the old product code as the alternative product code for the new product.  That way the linkages to past orders of these products will remain intact.

General / Re: Updating item codes
September 06, 2006, 04:20:43 PM

Sorry about that.  I will do some testing and see if I can fix the problem.  For now I guess you could sort by product id on the product list and delete the duplicates.

General / Re: Updating item codes
September 06, 2006, 04:00:15 PM

Did it create a new product with the new code or just not create anything when you had it update the product list?  It should have either created a new copy of the product with the new code or given you a dialog and asked you whether to overwrite the existing product.  Did either of these occur?
