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Topics - Nathan -

Ok now I got a need to have multiple groups for a product. When I only had one I just made the product price half of the group price (it was a 2 pack of something). Now we are selling 4 packs and it won't work. I do however have a simple (ok simple since I only have to recommend it) solution. Is it possible for the SM to have it's own SPECIAL group products which will break them out into individual products when downloaded from yahoo into SM or even just into QB.

A four pack of Magic Bullets would be imported into QBs as

4 Magic Bullets @ xxx.xx price. We would set the pricing in the product setup. I know I need it right now for multiple packs but another thought that others might need is to have a group with 1 widget and 3 gadgets. So you ask why don't you just use the multi pricing in yahoo to do this. The way it shows up in Yahoo is terrible. Do customers really understand 54.88 2/49.94 3/48.88 etc.


General / "Invalid card number"
October 05, 2006, 06:23:40 AM

I started to run into this problem yesterday where when you charge a card it says it is an "invalid card number" do you want to process it manually even though you authorized it automatically when they purchased. This is an Internet order so I have never seen this before. The only thing I can come up with is that it is fraud as they authorized with one card and then changed the card number (not sure if they can do that) and then put in the fraud card for me to process and since I only hit sale it won't authorize again.

Can others tell me if you have experienced the same thing.

Fixed Bugs / FedEx Tracking : Resolved
October 04, 2006, 06:04:08 AM
This is probably just a issue but just wanted to let you know that I am having issues just hitting the track button on an order. It gives me this error

Message from the NSAPI plugin:
No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds.


Build date/time: Apr 26 2004 16:45:50


Change Number: 376339

The website tracks fine though. Just something maybe to check to see if they changed the way the plug in works. Or it's just down.


When you click on the new order button in manual orders it goes to the last field you were at in the previous order and not at the top of the order (where it normally starts). Can you please have it start in the same place so that I can tab through normally for each order.

Thanks much,

This is more of an open for discussion before we all have some final thoughts but I would like some standardization on the formating of all the fields from my orders. Of course there are two ways to handle this.

1) Use a Javascript and make the customer fill it in correctly (or just format it for them).

2) Have SM reformat the field to our desired format. This also allows for people who like other formats to choose them.

What brought this on is that serveral of my customers have not put in the correct amount of digits for a telephone number. I don't catch it until it gets to the FedEx stage and then errors out on my batch entries.

There are a couple ways of looking at formatting. Of course I would love a entry to look like this

Nathan Freedman
1273 North Service Road East
Unit F2
Oakville, ON L6H 1A7
(905) 338-0707

But there are too many possibilities for upper case ont he first letter of a word not supposed to be upper case. So does all upper case make sense (this is considered shouting by most people on the Internet even if all couriers upper case everything when doing their tags). Maybe there is not solution for the name and address and let's just fix the phone number. BTW if there are more than 10 digits it would be (905) 337-0808 x2.

These are just my thoughts but I need yours before we go to the big guys to ask them for it in a future release.

Fixed Bugs / QB versus AutoSave : Fixed - Beta
September 25, 2006, 10:09:29 AM
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know that if you are in a big process like exporting via XML to QB and the program tries to autosave (as per my settings) it will hang the computer and require you to switch to QB and then it finishes everything ok. Might be a good idea in future versions for the AutoSave to not do anything until the XML process is completed. This is only noticed as I am exporting up to 100 orders at once right now.

General / Updating Shipment Status
September 25, 2006, 09:31:13 AM

I have a bit of an issue with Yahoo Store and maybe you have a workaround that we can use. The problem that I have is that when I do alot of orders it is easiest to just use the update shipment status feature after the upload of tracking information from FedEx. The problem is that smtp is very, very unreliable with my ISP so I have tried to use GoDaddy's secure smtpout service (can't get it to work yet but still on it). For email we use an Exchange server service from and it works perfectly. Is there a way maybe of having SM send the email through Outlook?? That way if the server is down it will put it in the Outbox. Updating Yahoo for over 100 orders would take a long while and that is why I would rather email them. Suggestions other than finding a new ISP (Bell DSL is the only economical solution where we are).

General / Printing and Processing orders
September 24, 2006, 02:11:39 PM
Hey Guys,

Just a quick question. I am processing alot of transactions right now and noticed that when I print or process the orders it always goes from the highest to the lowest. Is there a way of getting it to process the lower numbers first and same for printing. The reason why is that I process the orders on a first come first served basis. Probably a simple thing that I am doing wrong.

General / Multiple computers
September 18, 2006, 01:44:22 PM

I just installed the latest update of your software and noticed that it doesn't carry over program settings from one computer to the next. This could have caused problems due to the fact that the manual suffix setting was in there as well. Do you have any suggestions for using your software on multiple computers?? I think it would be good to have all the settings stored in the database instead of a settings file locally on the computer.

Just my 2 cents.

Finished Requests / QB Canuck version issue : Fixed
September 13, 2006, 01:56:13 PM
Hey Guys,

Well I am at it again. I am trying to figure out how to integrate SM with QB 2006 Pro Canadian Edition using Multicurrency. It seems that when I try and export to QB now it doesn't send the tax code or the payment. I am sure this is a XML thing where the field is called something different or it is just not possible with QB 2006 Pro Canadian Edition to XML import a US dollar order (when the home currency is Canadian dollars). I know it's been a while since we worked on this but do you remember any limitation in the xml documentation? Once this is working I will have a fully detailed tax guide for you so we can look at the 2 tax structure of Canada.

Finished Requests / Signature Req'd : Added - Beta
September 13, 2006, 05:47:47 AM

Since we now have our shipping automated can I request a Signature Req'd check box (and export field) so we don't have to manually process these orders. We use the Signature Req'd when the order is over a certain amount or is suspect to fraud (and everything checked out on the cc and phone call).

It would normally be unchecked by default and my thinking is that it should be below the residential check you already have on the shipping address.

Anyone else have any other thoughts on this feature?

General / SMTP issue
September 05, 2006, 05:44:01 AM

I have this working on my computer but we have another workstation that FedEx gave us to use and I want to run Super Manager on it but I am having problems using anything to do with SMTP (such as sending an invoice or updating shipment status). Do you know which services rely on SMTP in Windows XP and the way you are relaying it?? I can't seem to find the combination to get it to work. I tried turning on SMTP and it won't turn on but then I noticed that I don't have it on my computer either. I know this outside of the scope of your support but if you can lead me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Thanks as always,

QuickBooks / QB XML importing
September 03, 2006, 09:12:53 AM
Hey Guys,

Everything is working great and I can't wait to go through all the new features you have added. It's been busy here so I haven't had much time for development.

One thing I am doing right now is putting all our files on an office server and I have run into a glitch with QB. We use QB 2006 Pro CDN Edition as you remember and it doesn't allow you to use the XML import feature unless you are on the same machine as the QB files. I ran into this problem when I was creating the initial stages of getting all the data files in one folder. Is this a QB limitation or just something that you have setup in your program to tell it to look in a standard path for the files?? If so can I request that a field be added to specify the QB file location.

Hope you had a great long weekend.


I am sorry that I haven't sent you these recommendations earlier. I put them on a writing pad and was just too busy to send them in.

1) I noticed that the Merchant Notes can be alot longer than what SM allows. Is it possible to extend these. We use them for customer service and can only get about 4 lines in there. I would like about 20-30 line capacity.

2) If there is a way of having your system send out the rating requests (with a custom message as you need to add something when you do it manually on Yahoo). We have to click on each one and send it out after pasting in the custom message we want them to see. This would save me so much time.

I am still working on the 2 tax issue we originally had and also want to see if there is a way we can automate the system to change the shipping method based on shipping option (for us who charge the customer based on the product and not on anything else (ie. weight, dollar amount) but I know this may be a long shot right now.


Can I request that we have a custom field for products that we can use to export data from. I need one for Harm Codes. Harm codes are used for items that go across the border so that they know what category they call into. This is not something that is put into Yahoo but needs to go to FedEx (or UPS) for shipping info. Of course you could call the field harm codes but maybe someone has another use for it so leaving it generic might be a good idea. Your call.

Fixed Bugs / SM - Runtime Error : Resolved
August 09, 2006, 05:11:37 AM

Please help. I am now getting a Runtime Error this morning when I try and start SM. It says:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Program Files\SuperManager\SuperManager.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unsual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Please help!

QuickBooks / Error with exporting to QB
August 08, 2006, 07:09:26 AM
Hey David,

I am now running and I get an error when exporting to QB. "Order 115-manual: Error adding item 'MAGICBULLET2PK' subitem 'Ground FedEx (+39.99)': Unable to add invalid item type". I am  that you now record the option as a product. Is this correct? If so do I need to now create a product for all my shipping options in QB as it doesn't seem to do that for me.

Hi David,

I thought I would start another thread to take care of new issues (or just found out). When I update the shipment status (by importing the tracking numbers from FedEx) it sends the tracking xml email to yahoo but doesn't send the invoices to the manual orders as we setup in the program. Am I doing something wrong. If you still have my files can you look at the settings. I have it set to Invoice which is our email invoice.



We process alot of orders and all I see each time I do something is logging into Yahoo. Is there a way of keeping it logging in (like it stays even when I close a browser) since this would greatly improve the speed of SM. Thoughts? Might be a technical issue why it logs in each time.


Just opening this up for discussion. When you process a manual order (phone order) it asks for the CVV to match it when getting an authorization. Then when it goes through to the sale stage it asks for the CVV again. Since this is just a check before the sale it there a need to ask for it again? I would like to just authorize and after I tell it to proceed with the sale it shouldn't ask me for the CVV again (whether it stores it temporarily or just sends a blank response doesn't matter to me). That way I can get on to my next sale to process.

Am I missing something or is the CVV on a sale used for something. I know this is a Yahoo fault but just seeing if we can override it?? One less task saves me a few seconds each order.
