Import Yahoo Item field - Availability

Started by jabrein, November 11, 2014, 05:42:18 AM

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Good Day,

Approximately once per month we import our entire Yahoo Product catalog into Supermanager so that we can capture any changes we've made within the Yahoo Store Product Catalog.

Our SM process is:
View >> Products >> "Update Products".

Unfortunately, many products do not have their "Availability" updated during this process  (which is the main field we are try to capture updates for).

Any ideas?  Suggestions?

David Johns

Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.  I think beta will fix this problem for you.  We'll be releasing it within the next day or two.

When you set an item to not orderable in Yahoo, Yahoo blanks out the price, availability, thumbnail and picture fields in the product feed.  For that reason we had set it to carry those fields over.  The logic was such that any time the availability was blank in the product now, it would carry over the existing availability.  We have changed it so it will only do this when the product is now marked not orderable and the availability is now blank.  If the product is now marked orderable and/or the availability is not blank it will use the new value for availability.  Will that work for you?

SuperManager Support


We would need to be able to pull in the products new availability (when availability is not null); regardless of whether the item is marked as orderable=yes or orderable=no.



We recently updated our SM version.

The Product availability is still not being pulled in correctly.

In addition, we are now getting an error message when trying to import a CSV file that contains:
shipment_id   shipment_tracking_id
We are receiving a message "unable to open text file".    There are 16 line items within the file.


David Johns


Sorry you are having problems with that.  I've tried to duplicate this behavior and it seems to be working correctly for me.  Just to be sure, please check that you are on version or  To find this, go to "Help", "About The SuperManager".  If that shows one of these as the version, please tell me are you selecting a file or is it remembering the location of the file last imported.  If the latter, could this file have been moved or renamed?  To make sure, go to "View", "Program Settings" and select the "Import Formats" tab.  Select the import you are using and uncheck "Remember File Path".  This will let you manually choose the location the next time you import.

SuperManager Support


Hi David,

I guess our Order processor did not install the most recent SM update.  After doing so, it resolved the import issue.

I will have him try importing Product Information tomorrow to see if the most recent SM update also resolves our availability request.
