Why does the Order ID include a "-1" at the end?

Started by Mike Griggs, October 05, 2004, 05:28:03 PM

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Mike Griggs

When export "Shipment ID's", the "-1" denotes that it is shipment "1" for that particular order (eg. 24123-1).

The SuperManager support multiple shipments and if more than 1 shipment is created for an order then "-1", "-2", "-3" and so on, could be used.  See Section 8.5.d of the users manual for further information about using the multiple shipments feature ..  http://www.thesupermanager.com/sm_usersmanual.pdf

If you wish to remove the "-1" and export only the order ID, then..

(this example is for your UPS export format, but you can apply it to any export formate)

1. Click "View->Program Settings" and then click the "Export Formats" tab
2. Click on the "UPS" export format
3. In the lower text box... change "shipment_id" to "order_id"

This will now change your customer id in UPS from "10011-1" to "10011"

The SuperManager Customer Support Team