FedEx Tracking : Resolved

Started by Nathan -, October 04, 2006, 06:04:08 AM

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Nathan -

This is probably just a issue but just wanted to let you know that I am having issues just hitting the track button on an order. It gives me this error

Message from the NSAPI plugin:
No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds.


Build date/time: Apr 26 2004 16:45:50


Change Number: 376339

The website tracks fine though. Just something maybe to check to see if they changed the way the plug in works. Or it's just down.

Nathan Freedman

David Johns


It seems that FedEx has changed their tracking url.  We knew this would happen to at least some of the venders we built in to SuperManager and made the interface to be able to accept changes easily.  You can change the url by going to "View" | "Store Settings..." | "Carriers" and double clicking on "FedEx" or whatever your FedEx Carrier is called.   You then just need to change the "Tracking Url" field to the update tracking url for FedEx, using the variable shipment_tracking_id where the tracking number itself goes in the url.

I am a little puzzled, however, because when I try the existing url it still works for me:

Please let me know the new url you get to work for you and if it works for me too we can update the default.

SuperManager Support

Nathan -

Hi David,

I only do my email customer service once a day right now so I tried it this morning and guess what. It works again. It was probably just a server error on their part.

Thanks for looking into it.

Nathan Freedman