Unable to load orders successfully

Started by Charlotte, August 04, 2007, 01:39:29 PM

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Perfect! This solved the problem for the packing slip. I worked through all the Dazzle setup steps that Mike sent, but the package weights will still not import and I'm unable to override the values in Dazzle to get the correct postage amounts to print.

David Johns


Okay - the general steps for doing the XML exchange with dazzle are:

1. Setup your package types under "View" | "Store Settings" | "Custom Fields" | "Package Types".  Make sure you have a package type for each of the package types you will be using in Dazzle.  Add or rename them if necessary to make sure all your packaging variations are on the list.  Double click on each one you are going to use and set the "XML Exchange - DAZzle/Endecia" entry on the list to be consistent with Dazzle's option for the package type.

2. Once the package types are set up switch to the "Ship Methods" tab, still under "Custom Fields".  Double click on each ship method and make sure:
    a. The proper default package type is selected.
    b. That under "XML Exchange - DAZzle/Endecia" that the proper ship class is select
    c. The proper layout path is given for the ship method you are working on
When you click 'OK' to close this details screen click 'Yes' to tell it to apply the package type change to existing shipments.

3. Close the store settings and press ctrl-S to save the settings changes you have made (you don't have to save - it just makes sure we don't loose any work if something unexpected happens).

4. Select just one order you want to send to Dazzle to start with.  Right click on it and choose "Shipments" | "Enter Weights" from the popup menu.  Enter the weight in the weight box and double check the other settings for the shipment - package type especially to make sure it is correct.

5. Click 'Ok' to close out the shipment details screen and again right click on this order and choose "XML Exchange" | "Dazzle Endecia" to try to print the postage.

Let me know if this helps resolve the problems you are facing.  Your initial post that talked about the problems you were having sounded like it was primarily a problem with the package types.  It seems that the package type was set to 'Envelope', which has a maximum weight that got applied or something.  I'm hoping that with the package types and ship classes set up correctly it will work as it should.  If this doesn't work I'm sure that when Mike calls you Monday he can help you get it straightened out.  Just thought I would send this along in case you have time and want to give it a try on your own over the weekend.

SuperManager Support


Looks like most of the isues are resolved, but a few questions remain. Is there a way to save a page setup with a report format? After printing shipping labels (successfully, hooray!) which required that I set the paper type to cardstock and prints in landscape mode, the next batch of packing slips also printed in landscape mode with the printer still set for cardstock. I had done a page setup along with printer settings before I printed the packing slips the first time, but apparently this will have to be set each time I switch from printing packing slips to labels. In some other programs, such as Powerpoint, I can save a "quick set" of preferences with the document so that it always remembers the paper type and orientation. Can I do this in SuperManager?

David Johns


Unfortunately not.  We have looked into addressing this in the past, but we did not have any users asking for it at the time.  We will add this to our midterm list of development needs.

SuperManager Support