Shipping update email edit

Started by EricCech, November 03, 2007, 11:58:45 AM

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Hi Ya'll,

At the end of the email sent when the order is shipped, there is a line that says something like 'this concludes your order with the store' or something like that. This does not appear in the editable template. I'd much rather have this not appear, as if there's a backorder, it's certainly not the conclusion. Am I missing something?


David Johns


If you are using the Yahoo shipment and order status email you can adjust the message that is sent to your customer on the Yahoo Store manager.  Go to the main store manager page and choose "Shipping Manager".

Towards the bottom of this settings page is the "Status Update Email".  Check this setting out and see if it is where this statement is located.

If not - you must be sending an email directly from SuperManager.  In this case you can modify the verbage by going to "View" | "Store Settings..." | "Email Templates" and look for a template containing the wording you aren't happy with and change it to something more appropriate.

SuperManager Support