downloading products to supermanager and QB 2008 pro

Started by Wcf51245, July 31, 2008, 01:45:50 PM

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I have not been able to download products from our store into supermanager or QB 2008 pro. I am a VERY NEWbie and trying to use trial version. I am sure something is misconfigured. Just published the store. can you help?

David Johns


Have you already entered the login information into the store settings?  The "Quick Start" section of the user's manual is a very concise introduction at how to get started.  Have you already completed the steps outlined there?

SuperManager Support


I checked the store settings and yes I did go through the quick start. It says the file saved and loaded before but if it did I can't find it. Anyway, if the store ID is the YSt************* then I'm good. also used the Yahoo store password & security key. was that right? Thank you Corky

David Johns


The store id should look like "yhst-############".  Also, make sure there are not any spaces before or after it in your store settings.

SuperManager Support


Thank you. The store id was in correctly, however, I did have it in caps so I changed it to lowwere casae and all was good. Still have not solved the QB issue though. Corky :-)