Manul Order -Credit card charge / CVV

Started by ajentp, September 08, 2006, 04:13:19 PM

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I tried to charge our first manual order, however I receive an error.

Here what I did,

Select the correct card type, enter card number and expire date. Pressed authorize, it ask me to verify amount, clicked OK. Get notified that there is no designated gateway, in this case default gateway will be used. I guess it means the gateway we  in our Yahoo store setting, right? So Clicked OK.

The status bar showed loggin on to Yahoo, ... Authorizing..... and then error window pop up that There was an unknown error.

Am I missing some thing here?



David Johns


Before you get batches once in The SuperManager your store settings will not have your merchant accounts.  Without this information you cannot select a default merchant account (gateway) to use when performing manual transactions.  That is why the first warning popped up.  The second issue seems to be a bug.  We will address this.  This, however, should serve as a workaround:

1. Go to "View" | "Admin" and press "Get Batches".  This function takes quite a while since it takes Yahoo!'s server a long time to generate the batch report.  Once this has completed you should get a message "Imported ### batches"
2. Go to "View" | "Store Settings..." and select the "Order Processing Automation" tab.
3. Under "Make manual transactions through" select the merchant account you want to use.

Once you do this the manual charging should work.  Post back how it goes.

SuperManager Support